PEARLL Model Classroom Network

Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning

A Title VI Language Resource Center

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PEARLL Model Classroom Network

The PEARLL Model Classroom Network is an innovative project aimed at developing a national network of world language classrooms led by teachers who focus on and model themselves after the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) Framework. Starting with a goal of 10 classrooms in 2020, PEARLL Classrooms will serve as model sites for teacher efficacy in world language learning. Through the establishment of a virtual community, targeted professional development and support for teachers in the network, and online lesson planning and goal-setting tools, the PEARLL Model Classroom Network will be a catalyst for improving student learning outcomes by increasing teacher efficacy.

 Connect with others.Impact peers.Model effective practices.Be a leader.Influence others. 

Join the PEARLL Model Classroom Network.

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Network Participants Agree To …

Inspire Peers

Submit three recordings of a class each year (no more than 15 minutes duration) that emphasizes or highlights one of the TELL Framework criteria (with appropriate permissions for the digital recordings to be used for professional development purposes).

Demonstrate Growth

Document professional growth by continuously updating TELL self-assessments, identifying strengths and growth goals, and uploading lesson plans, classroom artifacts, reflections, visuals, evidence of student learning, etc. to Catalyst.

Connect with Leaders

Participate in an online collaborative network to connect with other teacher leaders sharing similar strength or professional growth goals to identify and discuss the effectiveness of strategies and resources for effective language learning.

Be a Role Model

Host educators and administrators from the region for an observation on a dedicated national PEARLL Model Classroom Day to provide access to model teaching and discussions around effective practices identified in the TELL Framework.

Influence Others

Contribute to the content of a PEARLL newsletter by writing one short article each year highlighting effective practices, results of impactful professional learning opportunities, or guidance for those educators who support world language teachers.

Spring 2020
Submit an Application

Teachers interested in joining the network must submit an application. The application must include three lesson plans plus a video recording of a lesson accompanied by a TELL focused reflection on that lesson. Applications for the 2020/2021 cohort will be accepted until April 15, 2020.

beginning Spring 2020
Support through Catalyst

Members will work within the Catalyst platform as part of an exclusive group of educators looking for unique opportunities to share and review effective practices. They will engage as coaches and will be coached on their teaching and will keep a personal reflective journal documenting their learning.

beginning Summer 2020
Online Professional Learning

Members will receive FREE and early access to new online professional learning developed by PEARLL, including synchronous and asynchronous modules as well as other content developed to support their professional growth goals.

Summer/Fall 2020
Virtual Coaching Support

Members will receive ongoing feedback on the digital teaching recordings as well as lesson and unit plans from a nationally recognized world language teaching expert through virtual coaching sessions.

Fall 2020/Spring 2021
Host PEARLL Model Classroom Day

Members will host a group of teachers for a day of observation and discussion in their school. Additional details to be determined.

Join the PEARLL Classroom Network!

Membership in the PEARLL Classroom Network is awarded for a three-year period. Activities and full participation each year is required for continued membership. After that time period, members can choose to continue in the network as cohort mentors as well as participating members.

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Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning

National Foreign Language Center
University of Maryland
5600 Rivertech Court, Suite K
Riverdale, MD 20785

(301) 405-9828